Diploma in Agriculture- 2 Yr Full Time -MGU

Akshita S. Iyer

Diploma in Agriculture is a 2 years full-time diploma course focusing on the discipline of agriculture. Agricultural practices have evolved over time. Where in the past, we used to rely less on technology and more focus was on manual labour. With time, technology has advanced which has affected our agricultural practices too. We now rely more on agricultural machinery, pesticides, fertilizers and biological concepts to boost our agricultural productivity.

Diploma in agriculture is a course, designed around the above concepts which aids in improving agricultural productivity by providing apt knowledge about the same.

The course mainly focuses on broad topics such as – biology, agriculture and technology. Besides, it also focuses on allied areas such as – horticulture, poultry farming, meteorology etc.

Apart from these, students also study topics like crop and livestock management and basic management practices running in farms, Agricultural Chemistry, Plant Biotechnology, Agricultural Entomology, Agricultural Extension, Plant Pathology, Agricultural Meteorology, Soil Science, Agricultural Economics, Devising a budget, Marketing plans, and Sales strategy, Economic Botany, Water Management and Plant Breeding.


There are various opportunities in the agriculture sector for an experienced agricultural professional. The knowledge provided can help people wishing to work in the industry as a technician or at management level – in positions such as overseer, property manager, technical and sales representatives, animal care workers, or consultants. Individuals may also get opportunities in areas like:

  • Food production firms: The food production firms are constantly on a lookout for Production Supervisors or Agriculture Managers, which is a good option for someone with a Diploma in Agriculture.
  • Government agricultural firms: Agriculture Engineer, Agriculture Officer, Production Consultant are some of the career options in a Governmental agricultural firm that one can opt for after the degree.
  • Plantations: Research Officers, Irrigation Experts, Climate Change Lead are some of the posts that Plantation industry hires for.
  • Government fertilizer manufacturing firms: Fertilizer firms require Lab Chemist, Process Engineers etc. to carry out the necessary lab and on field functions which can make up for a great career prospect
  • Private fertilizer manufacturing firms
  • Agriculture machinery manufacturing firms: Such firms mostly hire Agricultural Engineers to oversee construction and production operations and to design equipments required by the industry.

One might also be given roles such as agricultural engineer, agricultural inspector, agricultural inspector, agricultural ecologist, conservation planner, fishery manager, the plant biologist, water conservationist, agricultural manager, botanist, horticulturist, plant ecologist, etc. Some professionals may also work as lecturer and teacher in both private and government agricultural schools and colleges. Besides, if one wishes he/she can continue their studies further and get a Master’s degree in Agriculture.


The initial packages offered range from 3-5 lakhs, which are bound to increase with time and experience that you gain. Following are the salaries for a few specific roles with their descriptions:

  • Agriculture Officer (4-5 lakhs) – They collect samples while on the field, introduce newer techniques and products that could help improve soil quality. They also specialize in improving food crops by conducting experiments and developing methods of production.
  • Tea Gardener (2 lakhs) – Tea gardeners are responsible for managing and developing identified tea garden areas. They ensure the identified tea garden areas are managed and developed in an order so that they can be used to support curriculum enrichment and delivery.
  • Research Scholar (2 -3 lakhs) – Research scholars are responsible for evaluating the existing research techniques, comparing the results and suggesting solutions to correct the deviations. They mostly perform laboratory activities, conduct research experiments and operate laboratory equipment. Complete documentation of research activities is also their job.
  • 4. Business Manager (7-8 lakhs) – Business Managers are responsible for developing business management objectives and goals that help with the growth. They design and implement business strategies and plans to make the attainment of goals easier. They ensure the company has adequate resources to complete the required operations. They are also responsible to ensure maximum productivity.


Agriculture is a field in India that is very less talked about when it comes to career prospects but what needs to be understood is it’s an important sector of the economy as it contributes 17% to the total GDP and provides employment to 60% of the rural population. With the upcoming governmental policies, the agricultural sector is bound to prosper which makes it an even better field to make a career in.

So, if you are someone wishing to work in agriculture with already existing detailed knowledge or someone who wants to improve their job and career prospects or even if someone who wants to start afresh, this course might be the apt choice for you.